d future or plans for d3

Ruslan Mullakhmetov tiabaldu at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 22:01:56 PST 2011

On 2011-12-19 11:52:25 +0000, Alex Rønne Petersen said:

> On 18-12-2011 15:40, Somedude wrote:
>> Le 18/12/2011 15:07, Ruslan Mullakhmetov a écrit :
>>> GC is just a mater of implementation. In presence of resources implement
>>> good GC algorithm offers no difficulty.
>> Oh really ? Then please make us a favor and write one for D. Also I'm
>> sure the C++ guys will be pleased to hear that it's such an easy task.
> Yeah, unfortunately, we can't just keep saying "it's an implementation 
> issue". It's very much a real problem; D programmers are *avoiding* the 
> GC because it just isn't comparable to, say, the .NET and Java GCs in 
> performance at all.
> - Alex

Thanks for you explanation. I'm quite far away from GC but where is the 
problem compare to Java and .NET? Resources (people), specific language 
features making hard to implement GC or something else?

When i said that this is just a matter of implementation i followed the 
idea that it's already implemented in say Java, C#, Erlang wich GC was 
declared to be good enough in this topic.

BR, Ruslan Mullakhmetov

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