Looking for SciLib

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Sun Dec 25 07:52:25 PST 2011

On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 23:38:05 +0100, Paul D. Anderson wrote:

> I recall seeing several times someone mentioning they were working on a
> project called "SciLib" or "SciLb" or similar. If you're that person or
> if you know who that person is, could you send me an e-mail?

Hi!  Author of SciD here.  I know you've gotten some replies already, but 
I just thought I'd clarify a few things.

As you've been told, you can find SciD at GitHub:


It's been a while since I added anything new to it, but the project is by 
no means dead.  If you find any bugs, please let me know, and I will fix 
them as soon as I am able.

As others have pointed out, Cristi Cobzarenco forked my code when he was 
writing a linear algebra library for GSoC.  However, in the process he 
has removed almost everything that is not related to linear algebra.

In other words, if you are looking for a linear algebra library, you 
should get Cristi's library, whereas if you are looking for calculus or 
nonlinear equation solvers you should check out mine.  (My library has 
some linear algebra stuff in it as well, but it is pretty limited, 

Let me know if you have any questions. :)


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