Reference counted containers prototype

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Tue Dec 27 07:00:22 PST 2011

On 12/27/11 6:15 AM, Froglegs wrote:
> When I go to that link it just says
> Unknown Paste ID!
> Don't see any code anywhere.. hum
> What is wrong with value containers? They work great in C++, a container
> is such a basic thing that ref counting and whatnot is rarely if ever
> needed, and in the unlikely event you need to share a container,
> wrapping it with a smart pointer of some sort is easy enough in C++, let
> alone D with its better support for type aliasing.

Value containers are almost never used as values. Code that does 
manipulate them as values, e.g.

void fun(vector<int> v);

is technically correct but automatically suspicious and raises 
questions. (It only passes a code review at Facebook if the 
implementation of fun does need in fact a mutable temporary vector 
inside, which is rare.)

There is only one place where C++ value containers work well, and that's 
as members inside value objects. But then those objects in turn must be 
effectively manipulated as references...


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