CURL Wrapper: Congratulations Next up: std.serialize

jdrewsen jdrewsen at
Thu Dec 29 00:49:11 PST 2011

On Wednesday, 28 December 2011 at 22:21:09 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
> On 2011-12-28 22:19, jdrewsen wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 28 December 2011 at 16:01:50 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
>> wrote:
>>> On 2011-12-27 03:01, dsimcha wrote:
>>>> By a vote of 14-0, Jonas Drewsen's CURL wrapper 
>>>> ( has been
>>>> accepted into Phobos. Thanks to Jonas for his hard work and 
>>>> his
>>>> persistence through the multiple rounds of review that it 
>>>> took to get
>>>> this module up to Phobos's high and increasing quality 
>>>> standard.
>>>> Keep the good work coming. Next in line, if it's ready, is 
>>>> Jacob
>>>> Carlborg's std.serialize. Jacob, please post here when 
>>>> you've got
>>>> something ready to go.
>>> Project page (two tutorials): 
>>> Repository:
>>> Documentation:
>>> (Don't forget the "Package" tab)
>>> Unit tests are available in the "tests" directory. These unit 
>>> tests
>>> are not like regular unit tests that test individual 
>>> functions. These
>>> unit tests are on a higher level.
>>> The most important part to review is the "serialization" 
>>> package. The
>>> rest is mostly utility modules.
>> After I quick look:
>> I think that all other modules/packages under the orange 
>> package should
>> either be integrated into other existing phobos modules or as 
>> new
>> phobos modules since they are really not serialization 
>> specific.
> I agree with that.
>> Furthermore I think that all suppport for tango in the code 
>> should be
>> stripped before going into phobos.
>> /Jonas
> That is obvious. I don't know if this have been clear or not 
> but I've requested a pre-review. A review that should be as a 
> regular review but before I do a Phobos integration. If it gets 
> accepted into Phobos I'll do the necessary modifications 
> (remove all Tango related code and so on) to integrate it into 
> Phobos and then we can have a second review. I don't want to 
> waste time on removing the Tango support if I don't know for 
> sure that it will be accepted.

Ok that wasn't clear to me. I've updated the review queue:


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