Second Round CURL Wrapper Review
jdrewsen at
Fri Dec 30 10:48:54 PST 2011
On Friday, 16 December 2011 at 09:42:50 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> Please make sure that you remove trailing whitespace from the
> file. A lot of the lines have trailing whitespace. Also, make
> sure that you don't have any tabs in the file. There are a few
> places where you used tabs.
> Line# 916 claims that the code there won't work and that it
> needs to be fixed, so please fix it before it goes into Phobos
> (assuming that it's voted in).
> On line# 1051, just do
> auto arr = new Char[](bufferSize);
> There's no reason to create it and then assign to its length
> property.
> The braces in the block follow line# 1131 need to be fixed. The
> indentation is wrong on some of them, and not all of them are
> on their own line.
> You should see if the cast(void[])'s can be removed from
> byLineAsync. They might still be necessary, but null was given
> a type with the last release, so it might work without the cast
> now. The same goes with byChunkAsync.
Still doesn't work.
> Same with line# 1215 as 1051. There's no point in wasting a
> line of code by declaring an array and the assigning to its
> length variable. The code is probably slightly less efficient
> that way too. Just allocate a new array of the correct length.
> On line#1297, the braces need to be fixed. Same with line# 1308
> and line# 1334. Just check over your braces in general to make
> sure that they're consistent and are on their own line unless
> you're dealing with something like a one line lambda.
> And as I mentioned before, all of these enforces which take a
> new CurlException, should be changed to use enforceEx after
> you've fixed CurlException's constructor.
> The documentation on Protocol's isValid is wrong. It claims
> that isValid is true if the instance is stoppend and invalid.
> Wouldn't that mean that the object _wasn't_ valid?
> There are quite a few places where you're concatenating several
> strings and format would make the code much cleaner (e.g.
> Protocol's netInterface function). Unless you're avoiding
> format in an attempt to allow functions to be pure (since
> unfortunately, format can't currently be pure), you really
> should be using format.
> I'd argue that it's better to use empty than check whether a
> string is equal to "". e.g. domain.empty instead of domain !=
> "" on line# 1538.
> There bodies of Http's constructor, static opCall, and dup
> functions are all very similar - especially the constructor and
> static opCall. You should look at refactoring those so that
> they don't have to duplicate so much code. Maybe it can't be
> reasonably done easily, but it would certainly be better if
> that code duplication could be reduced.
> Change setTimeCondition to take a SysTime. DateTime is not
> intended for timestamps. It's intended for calendar-based time,
> not the system time. Also, SysTime makes it easier to convert
> to time_t. In general, the fact that you're looking to deal
> with a time_t is a sign that you should be using SysTime. This
> is especially true, since DateTime is going to give the wrong
> time_t in general, since it has no time zone. As it stands, the
> timestamp is assumed to be in UTC. That's just begging for
> bugs. Users won't expect that. Definitely make it a SysTime.
> And once that's done, line# 2016 would disappear, and line#
> 2017 would become
> p.curl.set(CurlOption.timevalue, timestamp.toUnixTime());
> On line# 2247, why do you use format with no format string?
> There should be no ~ or to!string in a call to format. It's
> just creating unnecessary memory allocations. It should be
> something more like
> format("%s%s(%s.", code, reason, majorVersion, minorVersion);
> Though I find that '(' to be rather odd, since it has no
> matching closing paren, so one may need to be added.
> Regardless, that line shouldn't be concatenating strings or use
> format takes care of all of that and should do it with
> fewer memory allocations.
ok - ')' was missing
> Pointers really should have their * next to the type not
> floating in space like on line #2274. As it is, the code looks
> like a multiplication. Unlike in C/C++, the * is clearly
> associated with the type. e.g.
> int* a, b;
> creates an int* and an int in C, but it creates int* and int*
> in D. Separating the * from the type has a tendancy to make the
> code harder to understand.
If that's the D style I'll do that.
> Ftp's consturctor and static opCall have a code duplication
> problem similar to that of Http.
> Make encoding take a string. Any time that you are _always_
> going to idup a parameter which is a character array, make it a
> string, _not_ const. That way, if it's a string, no idup is
> necessary, and if it's char[], then it can be iduped when it's
> passed in, and iduping only occurs when it's actually necessary.
> In Smtp's constructor, yo ushould probably create a variable
> for the toLowered url. e.g.
> auto lowered = url.toLower();
> That way, you avoid having to lower it twice if the else branch
> of the if-else is taken.
> Is p.curl.perform a property? If so, line# 2455 does nothing.
> If not, then it needs parens. The curl module should be able to
> be built with -property. I believe that Phobos as a whole is
> currently being built with tha flag. If not, it will be soon,
> and this module will need to do that if it's merged into Phobos.
> If you can, please use a static foreach with
> EnumMembers!CurlOption in Curl's dup. And if you can't, because
> you're not clearing all of them, then put all of the ones that
> you _are_ clearing in an array (or TypeTuple if you want to
> avoid the allocation for the array) and iterate over them with
> a foreach. e.g.
> foreach(option; TypeTuple!(CurlOption.file,
> CurlOptions.writefunction))
> copy.clear(option);
> You should be able to cut down on the number of lines by doing
> that (_especially_ if you're actually clearing all of them and
> can use EnumMembers!CurlOption).
I actually found out that you can do:
with (CurlOption)
foreach(option; TypeTuple!(file, writefunction))
Which is pretty neat when you have to list as many options as in
the curl wrapper.
> Line#2639 is another case where format should be used. In
> general, if you're doing more than one ~, consider using format
> unless you're trying to make a function pure.
> I'd suggest renaming Message to something like CurlMessage. The
> odds of a name clash with Message are likely high. And while
> they won't be able to use Message, since it's private, it will
> still affect whether the full path for Message must be given
> (e.g. my.module.Message instead of Message). CurlMessage is far
> less likely to clash.
> Rename DATA to Data. DATA does not follow Phobos' naming
> conventions. Granted, it's private, but it's completely off.
> Type names should be pascal cased.
> Why isn't empty a property on #3056? Sure, it's not a range,
> but it would be more consistent with everything else if it were
> a property.
> In general, you should use when converting between TickDuration
> and Duration, but in some cases, no conversion should be
> necessary. For instance, line# 985 shouldn't need to do any
> converting. Duration's opOpAssign should be able to handle a
> TickDuration.
> Overall, the design looks fairly solid, and the code looks
> pretty good, but there are definitely a number of minor issues
> which should be addressed before this code makes it into
> Phobos. The biggest involve the functions' parameters (such as
> using SysTime, not DateTime, and using string in some places
> where you're using const(char)[] in order to avoid unnecessary
> idups). And those definitely need to be sorted out sooner
> rather than later, since they affect the API and will break
> code if they're changed later.
> - Jonathan M Davis
Thanks for the comments
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