
Simen kjaeraas simen.kjaras at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 06:15:42 PST 2011

Bruno Medeiros <brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail> wrote:

>> But for immutable data (like the contents of the elements of a  
>> string[]),
>> that doesn't matter, does it?
> Maybe it won't matter for the *contents of the elements* of the string  
> array, but the whole result value has to be /the same/ as if the  
> optimization was not applied. Otherwise the optimization is invalid,  
> even if for most uses of the result value it would not make a difference  
> for the program.

I admit to still not understanding this.

The data can't be changed, so the contents do not matter. The array structs
(prt/length) would not be the same as those fed to the function in any  
so I really cannot see how those would matter.

If others do understand, please elucidate.


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