new documentation format for std.algorithm
Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Wed Feb 2 04:06:29 PST 2011
"Denis Koroskin" <2korden at> wrote in message
news:op.vp9wmrreo7cclz at korden-pc...
> On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:06:11 +0300, Magnus Lie Hetland
> <magnus at> wrote:
>> I think perhaps some adjustments could be made to the layout, to make it
>> more suitable to narrow(ish) browser windows (c.f., the discussio about
>> 80 columns -- without starting a huge thread like that again ;)
>> For one thing, in narrow(ish) columns, ragged-right might be preferable.
>> Then again, it may be that the way it looks on my end isn't what's
>> intended:
> Left menu, Category and Function Name tables do take up about 800 pixels
> in width, leaving very little space for Description on small resolution
> displays, mostly because of the large font size used and identifiers as
> long as "largestPartialIntersectionWeighted".
> While there is little we can do with identifier names, I believe font size
> could be reduced by about 30% without sacrificing readability. At least in
> Opera the page looks well even at 70% scale.
Actually, I think a smaller font improves the readability on that page. Left
as it is, I would always hit "decrease font" two or three times in my
browser before reading. (And that's even not counting the layout problems
the current font size causes.)
I also agree with what others said about needing a better visual boundary
between the different descriptions.
Only other thing I could bring up is that I'm really not as much a fan of
justified text as Andrei. But I can live with it fine, of course, just as
I've been doing (and I don't want to start a "left-aligned" vs "justified"
bikeshed war).
But other than those things, I think it looks great.
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