new documentation format for std.algorithm

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Wed Feb 2 15:41:53 PST 2011

On 2/2/11 5:20 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:
> On 2/2/11 11:34 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:
>> Setting font size, line height and element dimensions in pixels is the
>> only option if you want an at least somewhat consistent user
>> experience […]
> Okay, I guess that should rather be »the most reasonable option if you
> want an at least somewhat consistent user experience…«.
> I know well that standards-minded web developers used to strongly
> advocate using relative sizes not too long ago, but in my perception,
> things have changed since that.
> Anyway, regardless of what's used as a base for font size, you'll
> probably always need to modify the zoom level on some sites out there.
> For example, Andrei's copy of the cutting-edge Phobos docs appears way
> to big with standard Chromium font size settings on my screen, but if I
> turned it down globally in browser preferences, Wikipedia would now be
> too small – they use 0.8em font size for body copy…
> David

It is also my perception that many of today's sites choose their own 
fonts and font sizes. Do we have a person with experience who could tell 
us what to do about font sizes?


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