Calling method by name.
denis.spir at
Fri Feb 4 11:03:32 PST 2011
On 02/04/2011 04:33 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2011-02-04 04:29, Robert Jacques wrote:
>> On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 08:49:54 -0500, Jacob Carlborg <doob at> wrote:
>> Well, opDispatch does exactly that. __reflect, on the other hand, was
>> designed as a quasi-backend function primarily for a) internal use
>> (hence the double underscore), b) scripting language
>> interfacing/implementing and c) user-extension. So efficiency was of key
>> importance. And the reflection system is extensible, as Variant knows to
>> call __reflect on user defined types. This makes things like prototype
>> style objects possible. (There's even a beta implementation of a
>> prototype object in the library) But this requires that the use
>> __reflect methods not be templated.
>> I'm not well versed in dynamic reflection and its use cases, so when I
>> considered the combination of a runtime method name and compile-time
>> argument type information, I classed it as 'rare in practice'. But if
>> that's not the case, I'd like to know and would greatly appreciate a use
>> case/unit test.
> I recommend looking at Ruby, it has very good support for runtime reflection.
> ActiveRecord in Rails is hevaly based on runtime reflection. For example, given
> the following Ruby class:
> class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
> end
> The class "Post" maps to the database table "posts", no configuration is
> necessary. Then you can use the column names in the table as fields to set and
> get data, like this:
> post =
> post.title = "some title"
> post.body = "the body"
> # will update the database
> All this is done using runtime reflection. Then you can query the database,
> also using runtime reflection:
> Post.find_by_name_and_body("some title", "the body")
> Will find the first row where "title" and "body" matches the given values.
FWIW, python example of "Calling method by name" (using no exotic feature):
class C:
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def write (self, thing):
print "%s == %s ? %s" \
%(self.x,thing, self.x==thing)
def runMethodWithArgs (object, name, *args):
method = getattr(object, name)
c= C(1.11)
runMethodWithArgs(c, "write", 2.22)
# --> 1.11 == 2.22 ? False
(Explanations if needed.)
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