inlining or not inlining...

so so at
Thu Feb 10 23:14:01 PST 2011

On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 08:56:07 +0200, Brad Roberts <braddr at>  

> On 2/10/2011 10:53 PM, so wrote:
>>> While in isolation that's a good idea, how far should it be taken?  
>>> Should the compiler emit information on which
>>> variables wound up in which registers, and why? What about other of  
>>> the myriad of compiler optimizations?
>> Isn't Inlining by far the most important (most practical) optimization  
>> among those that actually we can control?
>> A few times i have seen comparisons here to similar languages and in  
>> most of them the inlining was the reason (only) for
>> the inferior performance.
>> I agree it would be awesome if the compilers had the ability to chose  
>> the best method, but comparisons show sometimes
>> the opposite, i don't know maybe they are hand-picked for some reason.
> Nope.. that'd be choosing the 'right' algorithm.

Heh, yeh after that.

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