tooling quality and some random rant

spir denis.spir at
Sun Feb 13 11:50:01 PST 2011

On 02/13/2011 04:07 PM, Gary Whatmore wrote:
> his might sound like blasphemy, but I believe the skills and knowledge for developing large scale applications in language XYZ cannot be extrapolated from small code snippets or from experience with projects in other languages. You just need to eat your own dogfood and get your feet wet by doing.

Precisely. A common route for the development of a static and compiled language 
(even more one intended as system programming language) is to "eat its own 
dogfood" by becoming its own compiler. From what I've heard, this is a great 
boost for the language's evolution, precisely because the creators use their 
language everyday from then --instead of becoming more & more experts in 
another one.

Also, I really miss a D for D lexical- syntactic- semantic- analyser that would 
produce D data structures. This would open the door hoards of projects, 
including tool chain elements, meta-studies on D, improvements of these basic 
tools (efficiency, semantis analysis), decelopment of back-ends (including 
studies on compiler optimisation specific to D's semantics), etc.
Even more important, the whole cummunity, which is imo rather high-level, would 
be able to take part to such challenges, in their favorite language. Isn't is 
ironic D depends so much on C++, while many programmers come to D fed up with 
this language, presicely?

vita es estrany

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