How mature is std.socket?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Mon Feb 14 17:36:01 PST 2011

On Monday, February 14, 2011 17:16:33 lurker wrote:
> Given that large parts of Phobos are still in flux or planned for
> replacement I'd like to ask, how mature is std.socket?
> I'm thinking of writing a small server app and would like to know if
> there are serious problems awaiting the uninitiated?

I've never used std.socket and don't really know how mature it is, but it looks 
like the author of that module made some improvements to it recently which 
haven't made it into Phobos yet:

So, I suspect that other than that, very little work has been done on it 
recently, though I don't know how much work it needs, if any. Presumably, the 
updates in that enhancement request deal with the most pressing issues.

Regardless, I'm unaware of any current issues for std.socket (nothing really 
stands out in the bugzilla from what I can see), and I'm unaware of any plans to 
replace it. A socket type doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would really 
need do be overhauled though. Presumably, it's pretty low level. Bug again, I 
haven't really used it or looked at it. Maybe someone else would know more.

- Jonathan M Davis

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