64bit phobos on Windows?
Johannes Pfau
spam at example.com
Sun Feb 20 01:48:15 PST 2011
Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>On 2/20/11, Trass3r <un at known.com> wrote:
>>> I'm very interested in trying out GDC with D2 on Win32. I fear
>>> compiling GDC is gonna be tricky though. Has anyone had success with
>>> it? Hand me a few tips before I venture into the unknown, please!
>>> (and if I'm successful I'll upload the binaries somewhere, maybe on
>>> sourceforge).
>> You need msys and MinGW.
>> https://bitbucket.org/goshawk/gdc/wiki/MinGWCompile
>Got that, and I was just reading that page.
>But I'm confused about several things.
>The guide mentions the latest working version:
>D2.020 r167:6f2adfcabae6 GCC 4.3.5
>Then it mentions we need a newer version of TDM-GCC:
>TDM GCC 4.5.0
>I'm guessing this one will just be used to compile GCC+GDC. Got that
>It mentions patch files:
>"For GCC 4.3.X, fixes out of memory bug."
>And has a link to this:
>Is that patch file for the 3.x series, for the memory bug? And which
>GCC sources, the one from TDM-GCC, 4.3.x series or not?
I guess it should apply to the TDM sources and the GCC sources. The
bugzilla entry says that problem has been fixed in 2008. So if you use
gcc 4.5.x sources you shouldn't need that patch anymore.
>Then it references TDM patches, but they're not links to patch files
>they're just plain text:
>"TDM-GCC patches."
> * [buildsys.patch] Minor build system hacks for Cygwin and mSYS
> * [ehstatic.patch] Allow exceptions from DLLs without shared GCC
> libraries
> * [headerpath.patch] Correctly detect backslashes as path
>separators in include paths
> * [make-rel-pref.patch] A patch to fix make_relative_prefix()
>semantics and a little-encountered relocation bug
> * [make-temp-file.patch] A patch to fix make_temp_file() semantics
>and a little-encountered environment bug
>So what's up with those?
Those are in the TDM-GCC sources
(In fact the tdm sources consist of only these patches and
buildscripts). Maybe it would even make sense to apply all patches from
tdm, I'm not sure if it could cause any problems.
>I can't find the TDM-GCC 4.3.5 sources on the TDM website, the latest
>in the 4.3.x series I could find is 4.3.3-tdm-1:
>Then later in the guide it links to a completely different website
>with GCC sources:
As the TDM sources are only patches you also need the upstream gcc
sources located there. You then have to patch these sources with the
tdm patches.
>This is quite a mess! :D
I remember I got it working half a year ago, but since then many
things changed and I'm not sure if gdc even compiles on windows
now. I'd try to start with a 32 bit version first, because 64bit mingw
will likely cause even more problems.
Johannes Pfau
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