LDC2 Status

Trass3r un at known.com
Wed Feb 23 12:43:21 PST 2011

> Trass3r Wrote:
>> Also I got the feeling that LDC2 has been hastily updated to the newest  
>> dmd frontend without verifying each upgrade step by step and now things  
>> are subtly broken.
> When I started to work on ldc2, it was in terrible state (it did not  
> even compile). So, yes, I decided to update ldc to the latest dmd  
> frontend at the time. But after that every frontend merge was thoroughly  
> tested using phobos unittests and dmd test suite.

Glad to hear that! Didn't mean to talk your efforts down ;)
Hope you can make it usable. Now if only those LLVM suckers implemented  

> I need a hand with writing a good building instruction. If you want to  
> help, send me a letter, I'll talk you through building process.
> By the way, druntime and phobos with ldc2 patches can be found here:  
> https://github.com/AlexeyProkhin.

I might try compiling it on Windows again.

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