LDC2 Status
Robert Clipsham
robert at octarineparrot.com
Wed Feb 23 13:15:07 PST 2011
On 22/02/11 23:52, dsimcha wrote:
> I tried LDC2 for Linux out last week and again last night. I didn't
> spend much time on it on either attempt, but so far I haven't been able
> to get even Hello, World to compile. It seems like the instructions for
> building druntime, etc. are horribly outdated, the patches bit rotted,
> etc. Has anyone managed to get past these hurdles and compile Hello,
> World lately? If so, would you mind posting some instructions? If LDC2
> is, in fact, mature enough that it would be worthwhile, I'd like to test
> it out, file bug reports, etc.
LDC2 has a way to go before being D2 ready, gdc is far further along.
From what I can gather, the following should compile ldc, druntime and
phobos, it seems (very) broken currently though - best to get in touch
with the guy working on it - I have a feeling he's using an old version
of druntime.
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/prokhin_alexey/ldc2
cd ldc2
git clone https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/druntime
git clone https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos
ccmake .
# type c, aet D_VERSION and RUNTIME_DIR, type c, set PHOBOS2_DIR,
# type c, type g
make phobos2
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