Advocacy (Was: Who here actually uses D?)
gour at
Sun Jan 2 01:19:48 PST 2011
On Sun, 2 Jan 2011 02:38:02 -0600
>>>>>> "Caligo" == <iteronvexor at> wrote:
Caligo> So why is D being advertised as a systems programming
Caligo> language? By saying Linus would not find D appealing you are
Caligo> basically saying kernel developers would not find it appealing.
Do Linus & co. have to put label on something to qualify as
system-programming language?
Here is something interesting:
Otoh, I also do not believe that every VCS written in C must be ala
(whatever means) Git - Fossil ( is one nice
For me, D looks as the most-promising general programming language
having good-enough performance and being safe-enough - iow. sweet
spot: C(++) <--- D ---> Haskell.
And yes, I believe there is still space for desktop (aka non-web)
apps. ;)
Gour | Hlapicina, Croatia | GPG key: CDBF17CA
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