Moving to D
bearophileHUGS at
Sun Jan 2 02:23:04 PST 2011
Adrian Mercieca:
Welcome here.
> We have great experience/investment in C++, so D seems - from what I've
> seen so far - as the logical step;
> D seems to me to be as C++ done right.
"C++ done right" was one of the main purposes for D design :-)
> I'm also looking at Go in the process, but Go seems to be more of a 'from
> C' progression, whilst D seems to be the 'from C++' progression.
Go and D are quite different. You will probably need a short time to find what do you need more among the two. There is also C# Mono.
> I am only worried about 2 things though - which I've read on the net:
There are other things to be worried about :-)
> 1. No 64 bit compiler
It's in development for Linux. It will come, it already compiles some code.
> 2. The Phobos vs Tango issue: is this resolved now? This issue represents
> a major stumbling block for me.
The Phobos vs Tango issue is essentially a D1 issue. If you are interested in D2 then Phobos is going to be good enough.
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