Who here actually uses D?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sun Jan 2 10:28:07 PST 2011

"Andrej Mitrovic" <andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:mailman.361.1293976216.4748.digitalmars-d at puremagic.com...
> On 1/2/11, Nick Sabalausky <a at a.a> wrote:
>> I have been avoiding doing GUI work because I'm not quite sure how far 
>> along
>> QtD is, and the other D GUI libs aren't really suitable for me various
>> reasons.
> FWIW gtkD seems to work fine on D2 (but I've only tried a few small
> samples). It seems to be one of the few multiplatform GUI libs that
> works with D2. DFL works, and it has a GUI designer which is pretty
> cool. But it's Windows only.

Yea, my three primary critera for a GUI lib are:

- Multiplatform
- Native controls
- Works on D2

To my knowledge, QtD is the only one that fits the bill. GTK fails horribly 
at #2.

> But yeah, ultimately I'd want to use Qt as well. I used Qt for a while
> with Python, it was so damn easy to build some GUI apps that look &
> behave nice.

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