const - Best practices
Peter Alexander at
Sun Jan 2 10:41:16 PST 2011
On 31/12/10 6:33 PM, Peter Alexander wrote:
> Ok, so while I'm still not 100% satisfied with the lack of logical const
> in D, I'm willing to see how far I can get without bitwise const without
> going crazy, and I just want to clarify some things.
> Andrei has commented a couple of times on the fact that D's const has
> more guarantees than C++'s const, and as a result you should use it a
> lot less often than you do in C++.
> Questions:
> 1. What exactly does this mean? What are the situations where you should
> use const in C++, but not in D?
> 2. When designing base classes and interfaces, when should you mark a
> member function as const? In C++ you would do so for any accessor, as
> they would be logically const. In D, you can't assume that an accessor
> is bitwise const (due to lazy initialisation and caching), so when do
> you make it const in the base class, and when do you leave it mutable?
> 3. When should you take const references in template functions
> (essentially same subquestions as above).
> Final note: my intention here is not to start another logical const vs.
> bitwise const war. I just want to know how the differences in const from
> C++ affect library design, and what the best practices for
> const-correctness are in D.
> Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the bump, but there's at least three people here that would
like an answer to this. Surely someone knows how to use const in D? :-)
Additional question: why are none of Object's methods const, e.g.
toString and toHash?
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