Moving to D

Ulrik Mikaelsson ulrik.mikaelsson at
Mon Jan 3 04:40:58 PST 2011

> How many people are working on this port? How many people will be interested
> in using it, considering that a direct port won't use many of D2's features
> (why not just use D1)? Will this port be around in 1 year? 5 years? Will it
> have the same kind of momentum as the original D1 version, with as many
> developers working on it, fixing bugs etc.? Will the API always stay in sync
> with the developments in the original D1 version? What about all the
> existing documentation, tutorials, even book(s)?
There aren't a lot of additions to D1 Tango nowadays, partly because
people seems to have other things to do, partly because most of it
works pretty nice already.

That said, I think the D2-version of Tango will be a one-time fork.

Regarding how many people are working on the D2-fork, I think it's
quite few (AFAICT only Marenz). The general consensus in Tango have
been to wait on D2 to be "finalized" before investing effort into

> Sorry, having more options is a good thing, but I think there is a lot more
> to a real "Tango for D2" than just someone fixing the code so it compiles
> and works.
Agreed, but it doesn't all have to happen at day1. Just being able to
port Tango-apps over to D2 with minimal fuzz would is valuable in

Anyways, IMHO I think one of the most important advances in D2, is the
separation of runtime from system-library, such that Phobos and Tango
can co-exist more easily, reducing fragmentation.

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