Is this a viable effort? The DRY principle, community-wide
denis.spir at
Tue Jan 4 05:13:32 PST 2011
On Tue, 4 Jan 2011 02:30:24 -0200
Guilherme Vieira <n2.nitrogen at> wrote:
> At times like this I wish people would really break their code in smaller
> parts in a way you could really just pick what you want from it.
I guess this is a dream generations of programmers, language designers and computer scientist have run after. Say, Lego programming. Bulding bricks which are _really_ autonomous.
Maybe there is a flaw in the implicite reasoning behind that vision: as a client, one wants the (library) building blocks they use to be autonomous, right; but at a higher-level the software one is designing is precisely using other software, thus creating a system of dependancies... which makes this new piece of code unusable in an autonomous manner by yet another client who would enjoy reusing it as a brick. The same applies to the (library) bricks: they have to use other building blocks which prevent them to be autonomous.
This is how I see the point. And it gets even more unavoidable because of generality. For a brick to have any chance to meet one client's needs it must be as general/abstract as possible. This means for instance abstract away issues of OS idiosyncrasies, actual types, sizes and loads of other annoying aspects, think at how write*, map, or file opening work. To do this, using yet another bunch of tools is often necessary. The more a brick gets general and thus useful, the more chances it has _not_ to be autonomous. I guess.
This, to the point that if Phobos (2) would be rewritten from scratch using everywhere D2's newer style (more general/abstract, as I see it), most of its modules would import a load of other modules such as algorithm, contracts, functional, range, possibly type*, traits, variant; which themselves import...
I don't logically there can be a solution. I would like to try to define a minimal subset D lib functionality, say the standard toolkit. (I have one for my personal, a dozen elements systematically imported, and most commonly actually used, in every of my modules.) Then, make this a kind of auto-import (à la python) for user code, except if other wise stated; and see if it's enough, overkill, whatever.
Then, struggle to make (other) lib modules depend on these toolkit elements, and only and them, as much as possible. (Even when it's not the best design/code solution.) Could such an approach work?
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