memoize (is this a fix for overloading?)
Max Samukha
spambox at
Wed Jan 5 03:40:05 PST 2011
On 01/05/2011 12:24 PM, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 12:07:50 +0200, Max Samukha wrote:
>> On 01/05/2011 11:21 AM, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
>>> On Tue, 04 Jan 2011 17:06:45 -0600, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>>> On 1/4/11 4:49 PM, %u wrote:
>>>>>> There's still the risk of keeping multiple hashes. Consider:
>>>>>> ulong fun(ulong n) { ... }
>>>>>> alias memoize!fun mfun;
>>>>>> mfun(5); // creates hash ulong[int]
>>>>>> mfun(5u); // creates hash ulong[uint] mfun('5'); // creates hash
>>>>>> ulong[char]
>>>>> Ohhh I see... so you're basically looking for a compile-time version
>>>>> of overload resolution, right? Because things seem to be getting
>>>>> complicated very quickly.
>>>> It's not that complicated; we'll be able to achieve it somehow.
>>>> Overloads are compile-time entities so they should be easily
>>>> inspectable.
>>> Since this is likely to be useful in other cases as well, maybe it
>>> would be better to make a general template that selects an overload?
>>> So you'd use it like this:
>>> alias memoize!(selectOverload!(sqrt, double)) msqrt;
>>> A first step towards this would be to make __traits(getOverloads) work
>>> with module-level functions. Currently it only works for member
>>> functions. Also it would probably be better if it accepted a function
>>> alias instead of a string containing the function name.
>> __traits(getOverloads) does work with module level functions if you pass
>> a module alias to it.
> Cool! I didn't know that. Here's an updated version, where
> selectOverload works with both module-level and member functions:
> module test;
> import std.traits, std.stdio;
> void foo(int i, double d) { writeln("Overload 1"); }
> void foo(double d, int i) { writeln("Overload 2"); }
> void main()
> {
> alias selectOverload!(test, "foo", int, double) bar;
> bar(1, 3.0); // Prints "Overload 1"
> alias selectOverload!(test, "foo", double, int) baz;
> baz(4.0, 2); // Prints "Overload 2"
> }
> template selectOverload(alias parent, string fun, Params...)
> {
> alias selectOverloadImpl!(Params.length, Params,
> __traits(getOverloads, parent, fun)) selectOverload;
> }
> template selectOverloadImpl(size_t lenP, A...)
> {
> static assert (A.length> lenP, "No overload matches");
> static if (equalTuples!(lenP,
> A[0 .. lenP],
> ParameterTypeTuple!(A[lenP])))
> {
> alias A[lenP] selectOverloadImpl;
> }
> else
> {
> alias selectOverloadImpl!(lenP, A[0 .. lenP], A[lenP+1 .. $])
> selectOverloadImpl;
> }
> }
> template equalTuples(size_t len, T...)
> {
> static if (len == 0&& T.length == 0)
> enum equalTuples = true;
> else static if (T.length != len*2)
> enum equalTuples = false;
> else static if (!is (T[0] == T[len]))
> enum equalTuples = false;
> else
> enum equalTuples =
> equalTuples!(len-1, T[1 .. len], T[len+1 .. $]);
> }
Nice! Though I think that overloads should be selected not by type
equality but by regular overload resolution rules. That is the template
should take not parameter but argument types.
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