Moving to D

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Fri Jan 7 10:29:51 PST 2011

"Jesse Phillips" <jessekphillips+D at> wrote in message 
news:ig62kh$h71$1 at
> Nick Sabalausky Wrote:
>> I've never used github, but I have used bitbucket and I truly, truly hate
>> it. Horribly implemented site and an honest pain in the ass to use.
> I've never really used bitbucket, but I don't know how it could be any 
> worse to use then dsource. If you ignore all the features Dsource doesn't 
> have, it feels about the same to me.

The features in DSource generally *just work* (except when the whole server 
is down, of course). With BitBucket, I tried to post a bug report for 
xfbuild one time (and I'm pretty sure there was another project too) and the 
damn thing just wouldn't work. And the text-entry box was literally two 
lines high. Kept trying and eventually I got one post through, but it was 
all garbled. So I kept trying more and nothing would show up, so I gave up. 
Came back a day later and there were a bunch of duplicate posts. Gah.

And yea, that was just the bug tracker, but it certainly didn't instill any 
confidence in anything else about the site. And I'm not certain, but I seem 
to recall some idiotic pains in the ass when trying to sign up for an 
account, too.

With DSource, as long as the server is up, everything's always worked for 
me...Well...except now that I think of it, I've never been able to edit the 
roadmap or edit the entries in the bug-tracker's "components" field for any 
of the projects I admin. Although, I can live without that.

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