Unicode's proper level of abstraction? [was: Re: VLERange:...]

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Thu Jan 13 11:11:44 PST 2011

On 01/13/2011 02:47 PM, Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2011-01-13 06:48:46 -0500, spir <denis.spir at gmail.com> said:
>> Note that D's stdlib currently provides no means to do this, not even
>> on the fly. You'd have to interface with eg ICU (a C/C++/Java Unicode
>> library) (good luck ;-). But even ICU, as well as supposed
>> unicode-aware typse or librarys for any language, would give you an
>> abstraction producing correct results for Michel's example. For
>> instance, Python3 code fails as miserably as any other. AFAIK, D is
>> the first and only language having such a tool (Text.d at
>> https://bitbucket.org/denispir/denispir-d/src/a005424f60f3).
> D is not the first language dealing correctly with Unicode strings in
> this manner. Objective-C's NSString class search and compare methods
> deal with characters with combining marks correctly. If you want to
> compare code points, you can do so explicitly using the NSLiteralSearch
> option, but the default is to compare the canonical version (at the
> grapheme level).
> <http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Strings/Articles/SearchingStrings.html%23//apple_ref/doc/uid/20000149-CJBBGBAI>

Thank you very much for this information (I feel less lonely ;-).
I'll have a look at this NSString class ASAP, looks like it does 
The-Right-Thing as default (an Apple product...)

> In
> Cocoa, string sorting and case-insensitive comparition is also dependent
> on the user's locale settings, although you can also specify your own
> locale if the user's locale is not what you want.

On this point, I'm more dubitative. (Locale settings do not guarantee 
anything about right way of sorting for given domain, a given app, a 
given use case. There is an infinity of potential choices. But maybe 
it's a right default? See kde trying to invent a, hum, "natural", way of 
sorting file names...)

vita es estrany

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