Is D still alive?

Daniel Gibson metalcaedes at
Wed Jan 26 23:10:07 PST 2011

Am 27.01.2011 02:11, schrieb Jonathan M Davis:
> On Wednesday, January 26, 2011 16:41:10 spir wrote:
>> On 01/26/2011 11:33 PM, Trass3r wrote:
>>>> For me, D's killer features were string handling (slicing and
>>>> appending/concatenation) and *no header files*. (No more header files!!
>>>> Yay!!!). But auto is fantastic too though, I get sooo much use out of
>>>> that.
>>> Getting rid of the pointer crap (proper arrays, bounds checking, classes
>>> as reference types,...) is definitely among the top 10 on my list.
>> Same here. But I would prefere slicing not to check upper bound, rather
>> just extend to the end. Or have a slicing variant do that.
> You mean that if you give an index which is too large, it just uses $ instead? 
> That sounds seriously bug-prone to me. I'd much rather that it blew up and thus 
> told me that my program had a bug in it rather than silently trying to work. And 
> if for some reason you really want to be able to just have it use $ if the index 
> is too large, it's easy to write a wrapper function which does that.
> - Jonathan M Davis

I think he wants

  int arr[] = int[3];
  // ...
  int arr2[] = arr[1..5];

to be equivalent to

  int arr[] = int[3];
  // ...
  int arr2[] = arr[1..$];
  arr2.length = 4;

- Daniel

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