D Programming Language Specification ebook

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Mon Jul 4 03:40:12 PDT 2011

On 2011-07-04 03:24, bearophile wrote:
> Walter:
> > The difficulty is that if I put the ebook up on Amazon for free, people
> > tend to equate free with "crap". It needs to have a price on it to be
> > taken seriously.
> Maybe older people equate free with "bad", but newer generations are used
> to find good content for free on Internet. Is D designed for older people,
> people used to C and C++, that hate JavaScript?

There's a difference between free on the internet and a free book. Most people 
expect things on the internet to be free and books to cost money. And as soon 
as you're dealing with something that normally costs money being free, many 
people think that free item is junk or a scam of some kind. How prevalent such 
thinking would be about an e-book on D, I don't know. But there's a definite 
difference between free online and a free book.

- Jonathan M Davis

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