D brand identity repository
James Fisher
jameshfisher at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 01:37:36 PDT 2011
On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 7:09 PM, David Nadlinger <see at klickverbot.at> wrote:
> On 7/4/11 7:56 PM, David Gileadi wrote:
>> One concern I have is that the D site has a lot of pages, and the
>> navigation can be a bit hairy. I'd like to see a mockup of a sub-page, a
>> Phobos or Language Spec page for instance, that shows what
>> sub-navigation would look like with your design.
> Personally, I would suggest using every possible bit of screen real estate
> to make the API documentation more accessible, with a symbol
> hierarchy/search results bar (identifier search like dpldocs.info) to the
> left and the main content area taking the rest of the browser window.
> The »DDoc viewer« would be integrated into the rest of the site with a thin
> bar at the top of the window, saying »[<<< Back to main site.] D Standard
> Library (Phobos) API documentation«, and, most importantly, a dark
> background (hey, I had this idea before Google changed their design^^).
I find dark backgrounds to be a big strain on the eyes. (Some people must
disagree though, e.g. those that rape their true-color monitors into
displaying green text on a black background.)
> I have been planning to build something like this for ages, but just didn't
> find enough time to do so…
> David
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