
Don nospam at
Tue Jul 5 15:45:29 PDT 2011

James Fisher wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Don <nospam at 
> <mailto:nospam at>> wrote:
>     James Fisher wrote:
>         On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 12:31 PM, James Fisher
>         <jameshfisher at <mailto:jameshfisher at>
>         <mailto:jameshfisher at
>         <mailto:jameshfisher at>__>> wrote:
>            Sorry, I didn't state this very clearly.  Multiplying the
>            approximation of PI in std.math should yield the exact double of
>            that approximation, as it should just involve increasing the
>            exponent by 1.  However, [double the approximation of the
>         constant]
>            is not necessarily equal to [the approximation of double the
>            constant].  Does that make sense?
>     I understand what you're getting at, but actually multiplication by
>     powers of 2 is always exact for binary floating point numbers.
>     The reason is that the rounding is based on the values after the
>     lowest bit of the _significand_. The exponent plays no role.
>     Multiplication or division by two doesn't change the significand at
>     all, only the exponent, so if the rounding was correct before, it is
>     still correct after the multiplication.
>     Or to put it another way: PI in binary is a infinitely long string
>     of 1s and zeros. Multiplying it by two only shifts the string left
>     and right, it doesn't change any of the 1s to 0s, etc, so the
>     approximation doesn't change either.
> Great explanation, thanks.
>         (I think this is why the constants in math.d
>         <
>         <>>
>         are each defined separately rather than in terms of each other.)
>     Hmm. I'm not sure why PI_2 and PI_4 are there. They should be
>     defined in terms of PI. Probably should fix that.
> Another thing -- why are some constants defined in decimal, others in 
> hex, and one (E) with the long 'L' suffix?  

The ones defined in decimal are obsolete, they haven't had a conversion 
to hex yet.

> And is there a significance
> to the number of decimal/hexadecimal places -- e.g., is this the minimum 
> places required to ensure the closest floating point value for all 
> common hardware accuracies?

Yes, it's 80 bit. Currently there's a problem with DMC's floating-point 
parser, all those numbers should really be 128 bit (we should be ready 
for 128 bit quads).

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