Re Build tools for D [ was Re: Prototype buildsystem "Drake"]
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at
Wed Jul 13 10:27:23 PDT 2011
On 2011-07-13 08:36, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2011-07-13 07:28, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Wednesday 13 July 2011 06:12:58 Russel Winder wrote:
> >> And, of course, I should have mentioned CMake and CMakeD.
> >>
> >> The fact that I forgot, shows my prejudice against Makefile-based
> >> systems and for direct DAG-based systems such as Gradle, SCons and Waf.
> >> This though should not stop CMakeD being a part of this debate.
> >>
> >> From previous discussions, it seems that one of the primary reasons for
> >> having
> >
> > a D build tool in many people's minds is to also handle package
> > management of D libraries (like Haskell's cabal or rubygems for ruby).
> > And as great as cmaked, scons, gradle, waf, and other such tools may be,
> > they don't do that.
> >
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> I don't agree with that. I think a build tool should deal with single
> files and building. A package manager should deal with packages (of
> files). In Ruby, RubyGems is the package manager and Rake is the build
> tool.
Well, I'm not advocating anything in particular. I was just pointing out that
a big part of the discussions on build tools has been package management of
libraries, and any build tool solution which doesn't at least integrate with
some sort of package management solution is likely to not be what at least
some people are looking for.
Personally, I don't generally use package management tools for handling
libraries even with languages that have such tools, and I don't generally use
much in the way of build tools either beyond simple scripts (primarily because
I don't generally have projects large enough for it to be an issue). As it
stands, if I were to choose a build tool for a larger project, I'd probably
choose CmakeD, but I'm not super-familiar with all of the tools out there and
haven't generally found much use for them.
I was just trying to point out that a fair bit of the discussion for such
tools in this list has related to package management, and Nick's solution
doesn't address that at all AFAIK.
- Jonathan m Davis
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