OS X 10.7 (Lion) breaks DMD-compiled executables due to ASLR (?)

Daniel Gibson metalcaedes at gmail.com
Sun Jul 24 07:42:12 PDT 2011

Am 24.07.2011 15:56, schrieb Robert Clipsham:
> On 24/07/2011 13:55, Daniel Gibson wrote:
>> Linux and Windows have been doing this for years (since Kernel 2.6.12 /
>> Windows Vista). Are the relevant parts of the runtime so different on
>> OSX? (And has this ever broken D executables/was DMD or the runtime
>> changed to fix it?)
> I was under the impression they'd gone above and beyond what
> Windows/Linux did in the way of ASLR? Perhaps not.

Maybe, I don't know the details of each implementation.
Also, according to Wikipedia, OSX did ASLR before (which I didn't know), 
but with Lion it has "improved", so it's likely that it does stuff 
differently than Windows and Linux now.

- Daniel

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