What library functionality would you most like to see in D?

Anders Ahlström admin at antoarts.com
Sun Jul 31 02:30:55 PDT 2011

== Quote from Alex Rønne Petersen (xtzgzorex at gmail.com)'s article
> Here's a bunch of ideas, listed in no particular order...
> ...
> * Configuration:
> AFAIK, D has no standard way of doing configuration at the moment. I
> don't know whether people see this as a problem or not. On one hand,
> just asking some configuration parser to fetch values for you is very
> convenient, but on the other hand, people might not like having some
> sort of "official D configuration format". Personally, the former seems
> appealing to me, as configuration parsing is the last thing I want to
> work on in my projects. ;)

I'm new to D, but I guess I might be able to develop some sort of configuration
file library (supporting reading and writing values etc.). Do you guys have some
sort of preferences or should I just go with standard INI files?

AFAIK, D supports XML already, which can be used for configuration files, but
sometimes something simpler can be convenient.

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