core.compiler versus std.compiler

Alex Rønne Petersen xtzgzorex at
Sun Jul 31 12:53:57 PDT 2011

On 31-07-2011 21:44, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
> On 31-07-2011 21:32, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> On Sunday 31 July 2011 19:24:33 Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I noticed that druntime has a core.compiler module as well. Recently,
>>> I've been submitting patches to std.compiler. Should core.compiler be
>>> removed, or perhaps std.compiler be moved there and marked as deprecated
>>> in Phobos?
>>> On a related note:
>> If it's in both, then I believe that the general rule is that it
>> should be in
>> druntime instead, since a number of modules were originall in Phobos
>> but were
>> moved to druntime - mostly C bindings and the like. But I don't know
>> about
>> this particular case. I'd be inclined to say that we should just go
>> with the
>> core one, since it's there, but Sean might have different ideas on
>> that. I
>> don't know. But it certainly does look like unnecessary duplication at
>> the
>> moment.
>> - Jonathan M Davis
> I agree; using core seems sane. It's a feature you'd expect to be there
> without linking to Phobos anyway.
> I'll just leave the pull request open until we figure something out. You
> could pull it in and just copy it over to druntime if that's how we end
> up doing it.
> - Alex

Oh, BTW, I have pushed a few additional commits to my forks. One 
includes removing ctype.d from druntime [1], since it's already marked 
for deprecation in Phobos, and the one in druntime was just a duplicate 
(without documentation). I don't know if this is appropriate, but I 
found it highly unlikely that anyone would be using the one in druntime. 
Is this OK?

I would send an additional pull request, but GitHub is a bit flaky when 
it comes to sending pull requests with only single commits in them... If 
the commit is OK, you may have to cherry-pick it (at least until my 
outstanding pull request is closed).


- Alex

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