Syntax changing

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Thu Jun 2 14:36:42 PDT 2011

On 2011-06-02 13:56, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "Monkol" <dj_mon at> wrote in message
> news:op.vwgs7ypjcqe400 at
> >i think it is necessary to change template syntax and do as C++ style
> >template A <>, and not A !(), A <>. many people come from C++ and it will
> >be easy to adapt.
> I came from C++, and I found it easy to adapt. Plus, like it says in the
> link Steve gave, there are technical downsides to using <>.

LOL. I use C++ in my job, but I use templates in D so much more than I do in 
C++ that I now end up using !() instead of <> unless I catch myself. I 
actually ultimately much prefer !() - especially since you can reduce it to 
just ! when there's only one template argument and it doesn't have any periods 
in it.

Though honestly, if a programmer can't get used to a slightly different 
syntax, then they're screwed anyway. Every language has its quirks and 
differences. Syntax is a very small part of all of that. Really, the syntax is 
the _easy_ part. It's the semantics where the real problems start as far as 
adapting to a new language goes.

- Jonathan M Davis

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