DIP11: Automatic downloading of libraries

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 08:31:13 PDT 2011

Daniel Gibson:
> Is this possible with plain webspace, i.e. when you don't control
> the server?

If you have your own domain name, you can certainly set this up.

But if your host is fully managed, probably not. A fix is to set
up a redirection server people can share. This is kinda like a
central repository, but you wouldn't have to upload your files
directly. You might just put up a url (and other metadata?) to point
people to the final location.

However, I'd prefer to have simple files. Downloading from git
is imo a mistake - those files are probably in development...
meaning they are mutable. If the files are mutable, it includes a
lot of pain for versioning and caching.

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