Flag proposal

so so at so.so
Tue Jun 14 09:45:15 PDT 2011

On Tue, 14 Jun 2011 15:18:09 +0300, KennyTM~ <kennytm at gmail.com> wrote:

>> loc.x on the caller side, it has no idea about function signature, and
>> you don't know if it was 10th or 2nd argument in function.
>> // definition
>> fun(int x, int y) {
>> }
>> // call
>> fun(x, y) // you need to check the definition if you think something
>> wrong with parameters the second time you come here
>> fun(y, x) // same
>> fun(x:x, y:y) // you know there is nothing wrong with parameters
>> fun(y:y, x:x) // same
> If you have no idea about the function signature, you have no idea about  
> the parameter names either.

I think you are just resisting here, if you write a call once with named  
arguments, you documented it in place, the next time you visit this call  
all you need to see is in the call site.

> You see the difference between variables and generic constants?
>       RECT bounds;
>       GetWindowRect(hWnd, &bounds);
>       writeln("Please enter the coordinates.");
>       auto x = readln().chomp().to!int();
>       auto y = readln().chomp().to!int();
>       auto width = bounds.right - bounds.left;
>       auto height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
>       MoveWindow(hWnd, x, y, width, height, bRepaint:true);
> vs.
>       writeln("Resetting window dimensions");
>       ...
>       MoveWindow(hWnd, X:0, Y:0, nWidth:800, nHeight:600, bRepaint:true);
> Named arguments provides clarification when the argument itself (e.g. 0,  
> false, true) is meaningless. But with a variable which itself provides a  
> meaning, forcing named argument on _every_argument_passed_ is just  
> annoying.

Looks like i am just repeating myself but i don't understand how is pssing  
constants meaningless and variables, and why do you even need named  
arguments for those?

enum x=...
enum y=...
fun(x, y)

> Yet all well-known languages that support named arguments that support  
> reordering also support hybrid. (C# 4, VB 6, Python, CLisp, ...)

This is not an argument.

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