DIP11: Automatic downloading of libraries
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Tue Jun 14 12:07:45 PDT 2011
On 6/14/11 1:22 PM, Robert Clipsham wrote:
> On 14/06/2011 14:53, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> http://www.wikiservice.at/d/wiki.cgi?LanguageDevel/DIPs/DIP11
>> Destroy.
>> Andrei
> This doesn't seem like the right solution to the problem - the correct
> solution, in my opinion, is to have a build tool/package manager handle
> this, not the compiler.
> Problems I see:
> * Remote server gets hacked, everyone using the library now
> executes malicious code
This liability is not different from a traditional setup.
> * Remote source changes how it is built, your code suddenly breaks and
> has to be updated, rather than being handled automatically
This is a deployment issue affecting this approach and any other relying
on downloading stuff.
> * Adds a lot of unnecessary bloat and/or dependency on external modules
> + Want to compress source code? dmd now depends on decompression libs
Indeed, I think compression will indeed be commonly requested. The same
has happened about Java - initially it relied on downloading .class
files, but then jar files were soon to follow.
It's been a feature asked in this forum, independently of downloads. A
poster implemented a complete rdmd-like program that deals with .zip files.
> + Want to use git? dmd now depends on git
Not if the server can serve files, or if you use a different tool.
> + Remote code uses new compression method that an older dmd doesn't
> support
If compression handling is needed, dmd can standardize on it just like
jar files do.
> * Remote server is down - build takes forever while waiting
So does downloading or building with another tool.
> + Make dmd time out after a couple of seconds - build fails
So would build directed with any other tool.
> * Makes the assumption that the build machine is has internet
> connectivity, if it doesn't building suddenly gets a lot more
> complicated
Fair point.
> * Source code changes location, build breaks unless a redirect is
> possible - if it changes protocol it's useless
See my answer with a central repo.
My understanding is that you find automated download during the first
build untenable, but manual download prior to the first build
acceptable. I don't see such a large fracture between the two cases as
you do.
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