Article discussing Go, could well be D
spam at here.lot
Wed Jun 15 06:56:00 PDT 2011
Nick Sabalausky Wrote:
> > WebKit is not meant to be fast, it's slower than gecko (at least on
> > windows).
> >
> Isn't WebKit what Chrome uses? I thought that was supposed to be fast.
I heard they hacked in their js engine which is supposed to be fast. Ever saw googlesyndication.js?
> > Or you can write skin/plugin/extension for FF4 to make your sweet
> > interface :)
> Yea, but that's the problem with FF. Everything about it sucks
> out-of-the-box, and it gives you no way to disable most of the suck. So you
> *have to* cram it full of add-ons just to make the damn thing usable. (At
> least it actually *has* a good range of addons available...)
That's what's meant by extensibility: if default doesn't suit your preferences, you can customize it. Opera used to follow an opposite approach: mix up all usable stuff so that the user has no need to extend it, but now it supports ff-style extensions.
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