what to do with postblit on the heap?

so so at so.so
Tue Jun 21 09:13:32 PDT 2011

On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 18:18:26 +0300, Michel Fortin  
<michel.fortin at michelf.com> wrote:

> Actually, no copy is needed. Move takes the argument by ref so it can  
> obliterates it. Obliteration consists of replacing its bytes with those  
> in S.init. That way if you have a smart pointer, it gets returned  
> without having to update the reference count (since the source's content  
> has been destroyed). It was effectively be moved, not copied.

T move(ref T a) {
   T b;
   move(a, b);
   return b;

T a;
whatever = move(a);

If T is a struct, i don't see how a copy is not needed looking at the  
current state of move.

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