Curl wrapper round two
Jose Armando Garcia
jsancio at
Wed Jun 22 08:34:39 PDT 2011
Em 22/06/2011, às 07:02, Jonas Drewsen <jdrewsen at> escreveu:
> On 22/06/11 06.11, Jose Armando Garcia wrote:
>>>> Hi Jonas,
>>>> Was reading your implementation but I had to context switch. Only
>>>> go
>>>> to line 145 :(. I see that you are refcounting by sharing a uint*
>>>> but
>>>> what about all the other private fields? What happens if you pass
>>>> the
>>>> Curl object around functions and those values are modified?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -Jose
>>> The refcounting is actually just needed to keep the "handle" alive
>>> under
>>> construction of the Curl object using "Curl()". I'm using "Curl()"
>>> by
>>> defining opCall on Curl in order not to have a struct constructor
>>> with a
>>> dummy parameter (structs cannot have a default constructor defined).
>>> After that the Curl instance will always be assigned to a member
>>> variable of
>>> Http/Ftp classes. Instances of Http/Ftp are not to be copied
>>> because they
>>> are used for RAII.
>> Http/Ftp are structs not classes. Let me try to understand this. You
>> mean to say that the Http and Ftp struct are not to be passed to
>> other
>> functions? Are you expecting the user to do all their IO in one
>> scope?
>> This is unnecessarily limiting.
> They are structs because they use a Curl instance which in turn uses
> RAII in order not to leak curl handles. If they were classes it
> would be easy to leak because you never know when the GC is coming
> around to call the destructor and release the curl handle.
> Your can pass Http/Ftp structs to other function either by givin
> them a reference to a local instance or you could simply do a:
> auto http = new Http("");
> passItOn(http);
> /Jonas
Passing refs around doesn't work if the function wants to store it on
the heap for later.
Have you taken a look at how std.stdio.File and
std.typecons.RefCounted do reference counting?
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