Naming conventions for functions in similar modules

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Wed Jun 22 10:38:04 PDT 2011

Also, I've found yet another with bug:

import std.stdio;
static import std.string;

void main()
    with (std.string) writeln(entab("    "));

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.12
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2010  All rights reserved.
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std6string14__T5entabTAyaZ5entabFAyakZAya
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std5stdio16__T7writelnTAyaZ7writelnFAyaZv

But if I put curly braces it works:

with (std.string) { writeln(entab("    ")); }

'with' is looking like a feature that was least thought about when it
was introduced since it's so full of bugs.

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