Mixin template evaluated to string can convert to string mixin expression implicitly
kenji hara
k.hara.pg at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 09:30:13 PDT 2011
My proposal is just a syntactic sugar.
You can develop such library without it.
2011/6/25 Alex_Dovhal <alex_dovhal at yahoo.com>:
> "Timon Gehr" <timon.gehr at gmx.ch> wrote:
>> String mixins themselves are 'a little bit ugly' (but unquestionably very
>> useful).
>> I think the syntax should keep reflecting that.
>> Your proposal is a try to make up for Ds lack of macros. I'd prefer
>> macros.
>> Also overloading the meaning of 'mixin template' seems to be questionable.
>> As I
>> understand it, your proposal would make code like this valid?:
> With Don's extension of CTFE and Kenji proposal it's possible to fully
> implement macroses in library. I've tried to do that earlier but it was
> impossible with current compiler state. I think it's GREAT idea. Thank Kenji
> for making it. I'm interested in implementing such macro library. Are there
> any instructions how to compile DMD under windows?
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