Tooling [ was Re: Pretty please: Named arguments ]

Jacek Nowak jaceknowak at
Tue Mar 1 02:39:02 PST 2011

This thread caught my attention. As an outsider to D (tried it for some time, but
went back to C++/Java anyway), I'd argue IDE can be a huge asset when it comes to
promoting a language. Take a look at DevCpp, it is considered one of the worst
IDEs around because of lack of updates, but the mere fact that it comes packaged
with a compiler (old one) and click-to-build capability makes it very popular
even if people are aware of it's drawbacks. Visual C++ also comes packaged with a
compiler and it's dumb easy to create a new project and compile&run it.
Yes, an experienced programmer is used to configuring his compiler, setting all
the paths, even writing his own makefiles, but if you are to bring new people to
D, I'd say a packaged IDE + compiler working out-of-box would be a great feature.

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