Sci-Fi TV Shows (Was: std.path.getName(): Screwy by design?)

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Tue Mar 1 16:16:34 PST 2011

"Bekenn" <leaveme at> wrote in message 
news:ikk0ko$a2u$1 at
> On 3/1/11 2:56 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "Jonathan M Davis"<jmdavisProg at>  wrote in message
>>> No. It's a cat. :)
>>> - Jonathan M Davis
>>> P.S. At least it is if you've seen B5...
>> OMG, I completely forgot about the whole cat thing in Babylon 5 (I assume
>> you mean Babylon 5). It's been far too long. Actually, I still haven't
>> gotten any further then about halfway through season 4. I really need to
>> finish that sometime.
>> Wait, are you sure that wasn't Andromeda?
> Definitely Babylon 5.  Brilliant show, despite some unfortunate dialogue 
> here and there (of which "being nibbled to death by cats" is *not* an 
> example).

Oh, geez, I had *really* forgotten about that, I even had to google it and 
watch a clip before I finally remembered. What I was thinking of was on some 
other scifi show (I think Andromeda) there's a thing about cats being 
extinct, but every once in a while one will just appear on the ship anyway 
(which obviously has no connection to ducks, though).

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