std.path.getName(): Screwy by design?
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Wed Mar 2 01:46:42 PST 2011
On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 20:45:15 -0500, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> "Lars T. Kyllingstad" <public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet> wrote in message
> news:ikiht0$2vba$2 at
>> I've also found a few cases like that. In general, I think std.path
>> takes the KISS approach, probably because it's the most efficient and
>> works in most cases, but I'd rather it did the Right Thing (TM) that
>> works in all cases.
>> Searching for the "extension dot" is one such case. The simplest thing
>> is of course to search for a '.' character. std.path does that, and
>> also stops (I hope) at a dir separator. However, it doesn't take into
>> account the fact that Windows has two types of dir separator, nor that
>> a dir separator immediately followed by a dot denotes a hidden file on
>> Another problem with std.path is the horribly inconsistent naming
>> scheme. I mean, rel2abs? Come on!
>> A while ago I started working on a rewrite of std.path, but it's only
>> halfway done because I got derailed by other things. Perhaps it's time
>> to pick up on it again?
> Just took a look at the doc page. I know it's not finished, but my
> comments based on how it is ATM:
> - toCanonical is something that std.path desperately needs. Without it,
> it's impossible to compare paths. I found the lack of it to be a big
> pain when I switched from Tango to Phobos2.
> - Like I've said in other posts, I strongly believe that if posix
> considers ".foo" to be an extensionless file named ".foo", then it
> should definitely be treated the *same way* on windows too, since the
> only times windows ever has such files is things like ".htaccess" or
> ".svn" that are already born of unix anyway. (Optlink's stray ".exe"
> junk files notwithstanding.)
I agree. I changed this yesterday, and now it does the same on Windows
and POSIX.
> - Not sure what the point of currentDirSymbol and parentDirSymbol would
> be. But it's not as if their existence hurts anything. And I honestly
> don't care what sep/dirSeparator/etc is named (I'd just avoid using it
> in favor of / anyway. Yea, there may be some places in Windows where you
> need backslashes, but those should be wrapped in functions that convert
> to backslashes at the last minute as-needed. It shouldn't be allowed to
> obfuscate/infect the rest of the code).
Actually, in my experience, all of the strings defined at the top of
std.path are next to useless. Most of the time I need to check "is this
character a dir separator?", and then I have to do
if (path[i] == sep[0] || path[i] == altsep[0]) ...
So I wrote an isDirSeparator() function that performs these tests, and
I've ended up using that almost exclusively. The only place I expect to
be using the predefined strings is in the join() function.
> - Still some casing inconsistencies: basename, dirname, drivename still
> aren't camel-cased, but should be.
I know. The naming scheme is by no means set in stone, I'm saving that
for last.
> - It needs a function to remove the extension (while keeping the
> filename *and* path). Basically, it needs something that's akin to
> std.path.getName(), but actually works right.
I added stripExtension(), setExtension() and defaultExtension()
yesterday. Haven't pushed anything to GitHub yet, though.
> - An admittedly minor issue, but the name of std.path.join() always
> bugged me because of the conflict with std.array.join(). I know D's
> module system is designed to handle exactly this kind of thing fine, and
> normally I find D's handling of it perfectly acceptable (except that it
> destroys universal member call syntax, but that's not really useful for
> join() anyway). But std.array.join() is such a commonly-useful thing,
> that it seems a bit much to require all uses of it to become
> fully-qualified as soon as std.path gets imported. Plus, even if
> std.array isn't imported, join(somePathVar, anotherPathVar) doesn't
> exactly scream "yes, this actually *is* correct". I think pathJoin(),
> joinPaths(), dirJoin() etc are perfectly good names that neatly sidestep
> all of those issues.
I agree.
> Everything else about it looks great.
Thanks! :)
> Overall, I'd love to see that module finished and used as the new
> std.path. The current std.path makes me REALLY nervous and I'm getting
> tired of tip-toeing my way through it.
Well, this discussion got me working on it again, and I discovered there
isn't that much left to do. I expect it to be done relatively soon.
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