Naming convention in Phobos
bitcirkel at
Sun Mar 6 09:50:09 PST 2011
Jonathan M Davis Wrote:
> On Sunday 06 March 2011 02:59:25 Jim wrote:
> > Okay, so there's a discussion about identifier names in the proposed
> > std.path replacement -- should they be abbreviated or not? Should we
> > perhaps seek to have a consistent naming convention for all identifier
> > names in Phobos?
> >
> >
> > Some of the potential benefits:
> >
> > Legibility, understandability and clarity (reduce ambiguity).
> > Ease in finding a suitable function/class by name.
> > Knowing if it's a cheap or costly function call.
> > Aesthetics and professional appearance.
> >
> >
> > Some properties that I can think of for discussion:
> >
> > Abbreviation (and if so, what to abbreviate and how much)?
> > Preference of commonly used terms in other languages, contexts?
> > Use of get and set prefixes or not (getName() or simply name())?
> > Explicit use of a prefix (example: calc or calculate) for costly
> > operations? Naming of function and template arguments?
> > Uppercase, lowercase, camelcase, underscore in multi-word names? All caps
> > for constants, or different appearance for different types (types,
> > functions, arguments, constants...). What about acronyms: TCP, Tcp?
> >
> > Are there other concerns?
> The general naming convention as far as variable names go is camelcased with the
> name starting with a lower case letter - this includes constants. Most of Phobos
> follows this, and the parts that haven't been have been moving towards it. There
> are likely to be a few exceptions, but on the whole, that's how it's supposed to
> be. Type names are the same, except they start with an upper case letter (this
> includes enum names - the enum values are capitalized the same as any other
> variables however). That's the way it has been, and that's the way that it's
> pretty much guaranteed to stay.
> Generally speaking, we want descriptive names, and I think that it's safe to say
> that we don't want overly long names, so if we can have descriptive but short
> names, that's generally best. get and set prefixes are likely to be rare, because
> most of such functions will be properties, and properties will normally have
> nouns for names and won't use get or set, but I don't think that we want to say
> that we'll _never_ have function names prefixed with get or set. Normally, we
> won't, but it's going to be very situation-dependent.
> Now, as for the rest of it, I don't really want to get into a big discussion of
> the best way to name everything. It's far too context-dependent and very quickly
> turns towards bike shedding. I think that it's appropriate for anyone who's
> developing a module for Phobos to come up with names that they think are
> reasonable and which follow the very basic naming conventions that we follow,
> and then have names adjusted as needed during the review process. I really don't
> think that we're going to get much of value by having a big discussion over
> general naming conventions. It seems to me like it's just going to be a classic
> situation for bike shedding and generally useless discussion. What we've been
> doing generally works just fine.
> - Jonathan M Davis
All right, thanks for the courteous reply. Considering the other comments in this thread I think there isn't much interest in working out or agreeing on a few good principles or guidelines for naming identifiers in Phobos. Otherwise, even if we could only agree on a few of them, they could be written down somewhere, should anyone someday be inclined to join the development.
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