Google Summer of Code

Regan Heath regan at
Mon Mar 7 02:03:15 PST 2011

On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 21:40:47 -0000, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at>  

> So, for the current release, it's not a good idea to use -D when  
> compiling
> actual code (and if you ever use version(D_Ddoc) yourself, it won't be a  
> good
> idea ever), but that will be fixed by the next release. In the meantime,  
> you can
> just skip using -D except when you're specifically generating  
> documentation.

So.. assuming I'm using visual studio and visual D and want documentation  
I need to add a post-build step, or custom build action on all my source  
files to execute dmd -D on them?  one at a time?

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