Haskell infix syntax
Jacob Carlborg
doob at me.com
Mon Mar 7 05:05:45 PST 2011
On 2011-03-07 01:10, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Sunday 06 March 2011 10:03:05 Tomek Sowiński wrote:
>> bearophile bearophile napisał:
>>> Haskell is full of function calls, so the Haskell designers have
>>> used/invented several different ways to avoid some parenthesys in the
>>> code.
>>> From what I've seen if you remove some parenthesis well, in the right
>>> places, the resulting code is less noisy, more readable, and it has less
>>> chances to contain a bug (because syntax noise is a good place for bugs
>>> to hide).
>>> One of the ways used to remove some parenthesys is a standard syntax
>>> that's optionally usable on any dyadic function (function with two
>>> arguments):
>>> sum a b = a + b
>>> sum 1 5 == 1 `sum` 5
>>> The `name` syntax is just a different way to call a regular function with
>>> two arguments.
>>> In Haskell there is also a way to assign an arbitrary precedence and
>>> associativity to such infix operators, but some Haskell programmers
>>> argue that too much syntax sugar gives troubles (
>>> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Use_of_infix_operators ).
>>> In D the back tick has a different meaning, and even if in D you use a
>>> different syntax, like just a $ prefix, I don't know how much good this
>>> syntax is for D:
>>> int sum(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
>>> int s = sum(1, sum(5, sum(6, sum(10, 30))));
>>> Equals to (associativity of $ is fixed like this):
>>> int s = 1 $sum 5 $sum 6 $sum 10 $sum 30;
>>> So I think it's not worth adding to D.
>> I vaguely recall someone mentioned infixablility by naming convention.
>> int _add_(int x, int y);
>> int s = 1 _add_ 5 _add_ 10;
>> As a feature of its own, it's just sugar. But if introducing infix
>> operators were contingent on banishing classic operator overloading, then
>> it is worthwhile.
> LOL. And _what_ benefit would banishing classic operator overloading have? A
> function named add could be abused in _exactly_ the same ways that + can be.
You could implement operator overloading without any special
cases/support in the language, like Scala does. In Scala
3 + 4
Is syntax sugar for:
It's possible because of the following three reasons:
* Everything is an object
* Method names can contain other characters than A-Za-z_
* The infix syntax discussed in this thread
Implementing operator overloading like this also allows you to add new
operators and not just overloading existing ones.
/Jacob Carlborg
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