Google Summer of Code 2011 application
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Tue Mar 8 16:19:35 PST 2011
On 3/8/11 3:11 PM, Jens Mueller wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> I just submitted an application for GSoC 2011 on behalf of Digital
>> Mars. Please review and contribute to the project ideas page:
> Great. I find all of the provided projects useful. Maybe one should add
> ZeroMQ to the bindings project. I haven't used it myself. But it seems
> useful.
> Before I change the wiki page I'd like to receive some feedback for some
> ideas. Somehow I think it's important to offer not too much. Just tell
> what's important for you and what you really miss in D.
> =Improved documentation=
> I think there should be a standard theme (like the one you find for
> Java; Candydoc is a good step in that direction) and unittests should be
> included in the documentation
> (
> This is not much. Maybe more can be added.
> =Testing Framework=
> Building a testing framework on top of the available built-in unittests
> and assertions. Includes maybe also improving the built-in assert and
> build-in unittests (named unittests). Something like GoogleTest.
> =Logging Library=
> It was once on the list but it didn't lead to anything. Something like
> Google-glog.
> =Units Library=
> It was once on the list but it didn't lead to anything. Like
> Boost.Units.
> =Containers=
> What about better/more containers for std.container. Which?
> =std.sysinfo/core.cpuid=
> There is core.cpuid. I think it has no unittests which is bad. At least
> on Linux one could try parsing /proc/cpuinfo to have some tests.
> std.sysinfo would be an extension to core.cpuid providing system
> specific information that are not covered by core.cpuid.
> I'm going to write better descriptions in the wiki page if a project is
> considered interesting.
> Jens
Of these I think logging, units, and containers would be good.
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