GZip File Reading
dsimcha at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 11 16:27:21 PST 2011
On 3/11/2011 7:12 PM, Stewart Gordon wrote:
> On 10/03/2011 04:53, dsimcha wrote:
> <snip>
>> I'd like to get some comments on what an appropriate API design and
>> implementation for
>> writing gzipped files would be. Two key requirements are that it must
>> be as easy to use as
>> std.stdio.File and it must be easy to extend to support other
>> single-file compression
>> formats like bz2.
> You don't seem to get how std.stream works.
> The API is defined in the InputStream and OutputStream interfaces.
> Various classes implement this interface, generally through the Stream
> abstract class, to provide the functionality for a specific kind of
> stream. File is just one of these classes. Another is MemoryStream, to
> read to and write from a buffer in memory. A stream class used to work
> with gzipped files would be just another.
> Indeed, we have FilterStream, which is a base class for stream classes
> that wrap a stream, such as a file or memory stream, to modify the data
> in some way as it goes in and out. Compressing or decompressing is an
> example of this - so I guess that GzipStream would be a subclass of
> FilterStream.
> Stewart.
1. std.stream is scheduled for deprecation IIRC.
2. std.stdio.File is what's now idiomatic to use.
3. Streams in D should be based on input ranges, not whatever crufty
old stuff std.stream is based on.
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