review of std.parallelism
dsimcha at
Sat Mar 19 00:32:48 PDT 2011
Ok, thanks again for clarifying **how** the docs could be improved.
I've implemented the suggestions and generally given the docs a good
reading over and clean up. The new docs are at:
On 3/18/2011 11:29 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> 0. Overview and vote
> I think the library delivers the high-level goods (parallel foreach,
> map, reduce) but is a bit fuzzy in the lower level details.
> Documentation hurts understanding of the capabilities of the library and
> essentially is of inadequate quality. Entity documentation and examples
> do little more than give the impression of dispensing with an unpleasant
> chore.
> My vote in favor of acceptance is contingent upon a radical improvement
> in the quality of documentation and examples. Most if not all artifacts
> should be motivated by simple, compelling examples. The introductory
> section must contain a brief and attractive synopsis of the flagship
> capabilities. All terms must be defined before being used and introduced
> in a carefully-chosen order. The relationship between various entities
> should be clarified.
> I've seen the argument that simple and strong examples are difficult to
> find. Though I agree such examples are not easy to come up with, I also
> believe the author of library is in the best position to produce them.
> ================
> 1. Library proper:
> * "In the case of non-random access ranges, parallel foreach is still
> usable but buffers lazily to an array..." Wouldn't strided processing
> help? If e.g. 4 threads the first works on 0, 4, 8, ... second works on
> 1, 5, 9, ... and so on.
> * Example with squares would be better if double replaced uint, and if a
> more complicated operation (sqrt, log...) were involved.
> * I'm unclear on the tactics used by lazyMap. I'm thinking the obvious
> method should be better: just use one circular buffer. The presence of
> two dependent parameters makes this abstraction difficult to operate with.
> * Same question about asyncBuf. What is wrong with a circular buffer
> filled on one side by threads and on the consumed from the other by the
> client? I can think of a couple of answers but it would be great if they
> were part of the documentation.
> * Why not make workerIndex a ulong and be done with it?
> * Is stop() really trusted or just unsafe? If it's forcibly killing
> threads then its unsafe.
> * uint size() should be size_t for conformity.
> * defaultPoolThreads - should it be a @property?
> * I don't understand what Task is supposed to do. It is circularly
> defined: "A struct that encapsulates the information about a task,
> including its current status, what pool it was submitted to, and its
> arguments." OK, but what's a task? Could a task be used outside a task
> pool, and if so to what effect(s)?
> * If LazyMap is only necessary as the result of lazyMap, could that
> become a local type inside lazyMap?
> 2. Documentation:
> * Documentation unacceptable. It lacks precision and uses terms before
> defining them. For example: "This class encapsulates a task queue and a
> set of worker threads" comes before the notions of "task queue" and
> "worker thread" are defined. Clearly there is an intuition of what those
> are supposed to mean, but in practice each library lays down some fairly
> detailed definition of such.
> * "Note: Initializing a pool with zero threads (as would happen in the
> case of a single-core CPU) is well-tested and does work." The absence of
> a bug should not be advertised in so many words. Simpler: "Note:
> Single-CPU machines will operate transparently with zero-sized pools."
> * "Allows for custom pool size." I have no idea what pool size means.
> * "// Do something interesting." Worst example ever. You are the creator
> of the library. If _you_ can't find a brief compelling example, who could?
> * "Immediately after the range argument, an optional block size argument
> may be provided. If none is provided, the default block size is used. An
> optional buffer for returining the results may be provided as the last
> argument. If one is not provided, one will be automatically allocated.
> If one is provided, it must be the same length as the range." An example
> should be inserted after each of these sentences.
> * "// Do something expensive with line." Better you do something
> expensive with line.
> * "This is not the same thing as commutativity." I think this is obvious
> enough to be left out. The example of matrices (associative but not
> commutative) is nice though.
> * "immutable n = 1000000000;" -> use underscores
> * Would be great if the documentation examples included some rough
> experimental results, e.g. "3.8 times faster on a 4-core machine than
> the equivalent serial loop".
> * No example for workerIndex and why it's useful.
> * Is LocalWorker better than WorkerLocal? No, because it's not the
> worker that's local, it's the storage - which is missing from the name!
> WorkerLocalStorage? Also replace "create" with "make" or drop it
> entirely. The example doesn't tell me how I can use bufs. I suspect
> workerIndex has something to do with it but the example fails to divulge
> that relationship.
> * No example for join(), which is quite a central primitive.
> * No example for put(), which would be interesting to see.
> * No example for task().
> * No example for run().
> * The example for Task uses myFuture without defining it. In case Task
> defines the promise/future idiom, the documentation misses a terrific
> opportunity of clarifying that.
> * What is 'run' in the definition of safe task()?
> * Why is AsyncBuf's doc far away from the function returning it? Same
> about WorkerLocal.
> Andrei
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